teacher asking a question to the classPhoto by Max Fischer on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/teacher-asking-a-question-to-the-class-5212345/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Today is the first day of school for Blount County students and faculty. This is normally an exciting time as everyone gets back into the school routine but this year has some major concerns that could be detrimental to the local economy.

Quarantine Funding

Last year was hectic with all of the new policies for masking and quarantine but we had a financial safety net that has now gone. The state unemployment benefits for temporary Covid-19 related illnesses were removed by Governor Kay Ivey on May 10, 2021. This would have given you financial support if you or your child had to quarantine due to exposure or having the virus. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provided funding to employers to pay employees during mandatory quarantines but this funding has been fully exhausted as well.

With the safety nets gone and mandatory quarantines still possible, it could have severe financial consequences for parents and teachers regardless of vaccination status.

Current Mask/Quarantine Policies For Blount County Schools

The ADPH put out a toolkit for schools to develop health policies for the new school year. Some of the policies do not line up with CDC guidelines as vaccinated people can still catch and transmit the virus. Here are the key points of the guidelines.

  • Masks are required on school buses regardless of vaccination status.
  • Masks in Blount County Schools are optional and not required at this time regardless of vaccination status.
  • Vaccinated individuals will only have to quarantine if they are sick/positive.
  • Unvaccinated individuals (teachers or students) will have to quarantine if they are exposed to someone who is positive or tests positive themselves.
  • A vaccinated person can cause an unvaccinated person to quarantine but an unvaccinated person can not cause a vaccinated person to quarantine.

You can read over the toolkit for these policies here. Technically if everyone engaged in the “consistent and correct use of a well-fitted mask” then quarantine would only be required if the individual is sick regardless of vaccination status. We have all seen people wear masks and have learned that “consistent and correct use” just isn’t possible.

The Potential Danger

Regardless of vaccination status, this is a dangerous situation that could severely harm the local economy if we have high transmission rates. Most short-term disability insurance plans either don’t cover quarantine or the policies don’t pay a benefit until a 2 week period has passed potentially leaving people forced to quarantine in a financial bind. It will not be as easy on parents because they have fewer options for mandatory quarantines that may arise. If teachers are not paid they will be forced to quit. Teaching is a calling for most and they are definitely not in it for the money. Teachers are already in short supply and positions are extremely difficult to fill.

If this new surge is anything like last year it could be a bumpy ride.