black riflePhoto by Specna Arms on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

H.R.127 which is titled the “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act” was introduced to the house on Jan 4, 2021, by Texas Rep Sheila Jackson Lee(D). Sabika Sheikh was a foreign exchange student from Pakistan who was killed in a shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas that left 10 people dead and 13 others wounded in May of 2018. The bill is still in the first stage of the legislative process.

The bill, if passed, would create the following legislation.

  • Create a firearm licensing and registration system- The ATF would establish a system for licensing the possession of firearms or ammunition in the US. It would require the owner of a firearm to give the make, model, the serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner, the date the firearm was acquired, and where it will be stored. This would include firearms obtained before the enactment of this bill.
  • The attorney general would be required to make a public database of the gun registry.
  • The attorney general would issue a license to possess firearms or ammunition to individuals.
  • The requirements to own or purchase a firearm or ammunition would become 21 years of age, background check, psychological evaluation, complete a training course certified by the attorney general, require owners to have an insurance policy for civil liability.
  • For antique firearms and individuals could apply for a license to display the firearm in their residence.
  • “Military Style Weapons” would require an additional license and training.
  • Violations would incur a $75,000-$150,000 fine and 15-25 years in prison.
  • Would ban .50 caliber ammunition.
  • Would ban Magazines over 10 rounds.

This bill is unlikely to pass but shows some of the drastic views of some representatives in congress. Be sure and contact your congressman and tell them where you stand on H.R. 127.

You can download the full text of the bill below.

If your looking for a local gun shop check out Blount County Tactical or Lee’s Pawn in Oneonta.