A new Facebook page has emerged claiming to be real news happening in Blount County. However, this page is spreading fake information that could cause issues locally. The page started on June 6th and has since made several posts with claims ranging from burglaries at the Locust Fork Pharmacy to Blount County Schools adopting a “Transgender Studies Curriculum”. It is unclear who the author of these stories is, or what the motivation is. If this was intended to be satire, it is clearly not your calling.
The personal Facebook account that appears to be behind the “Real Blount County News” page is Paul Chung A screenshot is down below.

It is unclear whether the Paul Chung profile is the author’s real identity. Below are some screenshots of the stories this page is putting out. Some of these have gained quite a bit of traction unfortunately and the posts seem to get worse each time. The most recent post says “CURRICULUM CONUNDRUM: As the 2022-23 school year quickly approaches, the Blount County Board of Education announced that they will abide by a federal education mandate that requires K-12 graders to obtain several credits in transgender studies. Students must be taught the benefits of gender reassignment surgery and how to refer to transgender peers. Any failure to address their peers by gender neutral pronouns will result in suspension, followed by harsher punishments for repeat offenders. At the end of the year, several lucky students will receive their very own gender reassignment surgery by the school’s administration. What are your thoughts on the new curriculum?”. This post is entirely false and you can rest assured this is not what your kids will be learning from the teachers.